Google new Advertisement Click to Buy Links AdSense for Games Platform

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Google unleashed two new forms of advertisements: click to buy links on YouTube And in-game advertising platform ( $1 billion advertising market in 2007 ) Called AdSense for Games.

AdSense for Games, the platform will offer advertisers access to millions of Web-based Flash games.

AdSense for Games allows advertisers to very easily gain access to in-game inventory.With AdSense for Games, advertisers can target campaigns based on keywords, genres or even specific games. Revenue, based on cost-per-impression or cost-per-click metrics, is split between Google and developers. Inventory is filled via auctions where advertisers bid on placement.

Google’s desire to bring AdSense to online games and ultimately dominating the game-related advertising business completed after 1 year ( Read Google Adsense Exploring Games - October 18, 2007 . Google's ad platform - AdSense for Games has operated in beta since early 2008. Game developers like Konami, Playfish and Zynga participated in the beta.

Click-to-buy links are available only to YouTube users based in the U.S. Definitely Google plans to expand the feature to other content partners, as well as the international You Tube community. Currently these click-to-buy links nestled unobtrusively beneath the video and its sharing options, and just above the comments. Currently these links will take users to online stores such as Apple's iTunes or Amazon.com

YouTube Click-to-buy links


Google - Memorable History Events from Newpaper

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Google said it is looking to make old newspapers search able online by partnering with newspaper publishers to digitize millions of pages of news archives.

The effort involves the archives of dozens of newspaper titles and expands on a two-year-old effort by Google to work with two major US newspapers — the New York Times and Washington Post — to index old papers in Google News Archive.

Not only will you be able to search these newspapers, you’ll also be able to browse through them exactly as they were printed — photographs, headlines, articles, advertisements and all
Google product manager Punit Soni said in the blog post.

The new papers range from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, “the first newspaper West of the Alleghenies” (the Allegheny Mountains), to the Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph, which has
continuously published for 244 years, making it North America’s oldest lasting newspaper.

You can read old historical events at here like :
the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s coverage of Neil Armstrong’s (and Edwin Aldrin’s) 1969 moon walk at http://tinyurl.com/man-on-the-moon/ .

“The goal is no different than Google Book Search,” company spokesman Gabriel Stricker said, referring to Google’s broad-based effort to work with major academic libraries around the world to scan older, out-of-print books. “It is just getting a lot of published offline content online.”