E-Commerce Cross-Selling and Up-Selling

Friday, January 4, 2008

How do the top online retail stores get conversion rates of 5%, 10%, even 15%? One factor is that they provide cross-sell opportunities for shoppers. This merchandizing technique is important for both retail and B2B e-commerce sites that offer more than just a handful of products.


Cross-selling is offering a similar product to what a shopper is looking at -- either an alternative model or accessories that go with the product (add-ons). Using a cross-selling strategy in your store is likely to result in:

1. Customers finding exactly what they are looking for, thus increasing the rate
of order completion, and/or
2. Customers adding accessories to their original selection, thus increasing the
order total.

In addition to related products, many merchants use cross-selling capabilities to display popular items and high margin products throughout the store. Who knows ? A customer may just see the item and buy it on impulse along with his original selection.


Up-selling is offering a better and more expensive product. If the shopper exhibits behaviors of going to a product page or placing an item in the shopping cart, you can be pretty sure he has an interest in that product. If he selects the good model, also show him the better and best models.

Source / Read More : E-Commerce Cross-Selling and Up-Selling - Web Marketing Today

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