LinkedIn - dynamically targeted DirectAds ( dynamic CPM text advertising platform )

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Internet Marketing Trends Internet Marketing Strategy

Unmatched Access to Professionals

Use LinkedIn DirectAds to find the perfect audience for your business with highly-targeted text advertising.

LinkedIn is currently running, dubbed DirectAds, a dynamic CPM text advertising platform currently being soft-launched with no offical word from the company just yet.

What we can gather from the information available on the website, advertisers will be able to dynamically target ads by age, gender, geography, educational institution, industry, and seniority. Minimum order size for an advertisement is $25, with the minimum number of impressions dependant on the targeting audience chosen by the advertiser, who will conveniently be identifiable through its own LinkedIn presence. This also means the advertiser has to have a profile on the website, and LinkedIn says they are limiting advertisers by completeness of profile, number of connections, date of profile creation and a number of other factors.

Read in Detail : LinkedIn prepping for monetization with dynamically targeted DirectAds

1 Responses:

Anonymous Says:

LinkedIn has quietly launched a dynamic CPM Text Advertising platform called LinkedIn DirectAds. The unique thing about the launch is this that they have not announced it altogether but robbwebb2k managed to get a scoop on this info.

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