Google new Advertisement Click to Buy Links AdSense for Games Platform

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Google unleashed two new forms of advertisements: click to buy links on YouTube And in-game advertising platform ( $1 billion advertising market in 2007 ) Called AdSense for Games.

AdSense for Games, the platform will offer advertisers access to millions of Web-based Flash games.

AdSense for Games allows advertisers to very easily gain access to in-game inventory.With AdSense for Games, advertisers can target campaigns based on keywords, genres or even specific games. Revenue, based on cost-per-impression or cost-per-click metrics, is split between Google and developers. Inventory is filled via auctions where advertisers bid on placement.

Google’s desire to bring AdSense to online games and ultimately dominating the game-related advertising business completed after 1 year ( Read Google Adsense Exploring Games - October 18, 2007 . Google's ad platform - AdSense for Games has operated in beta since early 2008. Game developers like Konami, Playfish and Zynga participated in the beta.

Click-to-buy links are available only to YouTube users based in the U.S. Definitely Google plans to expand the feature to other content partners, as well as the international You Tube community. Currently these click-to-buy links nestled unobtrusively beneath the video and its sharing options, and just above the comments. Currently these links will take users to online stores such as Apple's iTunes or Amazon.com

YouTube Click-to-buy links

12 Responses to "Google new Advertisement Click to Buy Links AdSense for Games Platform"

Anonymous Says:

Google will soon capture big market of online game advertisement
First Google Lively team was made road map of opening the API to create entire 3D games entirely through Lively ( work not completed )and now google adsense team develop AdSense for Games

Anonymous Says:

Now Google eyes on growing online games market. One more way to increase Google Revenue. GO Google Go

Anonymous Says:

Finally after 1 year Google's wish to enter into Online games get completed.

Anonymous Says:

Google are making plans to release several more ad products in near future.I am waiting for more innovative ideas of Google to increase its online advertisement revenue.

Anonymous Says:

Website owner still likes Video advertising, contextual advertising, Direct-Mail Advertising ( Catalogues, flyers, letters, and postcards), PPC advertising

Anonymous Says:

Online advertising is essential for New and existing website in online world. Google is definitely is the leader in Online advertising world.With new advertising platform, Google strength its positiony

Anonymous Says:

Google now wants to dominate Games for their ads. Next stop is the pay-per-click and why not free online gaming. Everything is in Google's hands.

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Raju Says:

That is a very nice post.

search engine placement Says:

I think in-game advertising will be the next big thing in the field of advertising.

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